Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Seed to Success is Born out of the Willingness to try

Time:9:09 pm
Date: 1/25/2012

Inspiration can strike anyone at anytime as they say. I have always dreamed of doing something extreme in my life and always wanted to help others in some way. My path in life has failed to meet my goals and dreams that I set out to do a long time ago. I think the reason for this is that I have put myself in a state of fear that has not allowed me to see what I am capable of. I am hoping that this blog will help open up others and me over time to a new way of thinking and being. Recently, over the past year, I have made some fundamental changes. Changes involving my thinking and how I viewed the world. I was always so afraid to try anything new. Fear held me back before, and I decided that I would not let fear rule me. You may ask how can one change something that to many is impossible. Well, do you remember when you were a kid and how innocent you were back then? How easy it was to dream and imagine a world were fairy princesses ruled the earth and Betty the bear was your best friend. All the tea parties and stories you told still can inspire that child like innocence you once had before you got so cynical. So my dream is to create my world and make it how I want it to be. One where people are at peace with one another and where all is happy and good. Humanity is healed and the power of positive thinking and inspiring others to achieve their dreams is a real, obtainable goal. So, this is my mission if I choose to accept it. Enlightened beings unite in the power of positive thinking and shift all mindsets to seeing a beautiful new world, that can exist if you let go of the old and make room for the new. My journey is to help others see the possibilities in themselves and how truly amazing you are. There will be ups and downs, and good and bad days, but in the end, you need to know that you have the power to change that and change how you feel about a bad situation. I hope my journey will inspire you to think big and think positive as you see your life unfold in amazing new ways. I am a beginner on this new journey and I must say it is very exciting to be on this path that will lead me to success in all areas of my life. Try and try again if at first you don't succeed. Try the new the crazy the weirdest things and see what your calling might be. What are you meant to do in this life? If you say "I am meant for greatness" then follow me and we will journey there together!!

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